Here are some of the top resources we recommend for parents and attorneys.
Parental Alienation is a form of family violence
Over 22 million parents are affected by parental alienation. The interference between a parent and child is considered child abuse, and the behaviors used by the targeting parent are based in power and control. Domestic Violence is also about power and control and gaining control over the victim, including using children as a weapon and pawns. Dr. Harman and her colleagues explain the family dynamics and how parental alienation is an unrecognized form of family violence.
Litigating Parental Alienation, Ashish Joshi
This book is a must for any attorney who has a case of parental alienation. The book addresses critical issues in litigating parental alienation cases:
Court interventions
Expert testimony and presenting a case
The role of guardian ad litem and child representative
Misinformation about parental alienation and how to respond to it
Domestic violence and parental alienation
Defending against false allegations of parental alienation
Tips and guidance for practitioners
Appendices, including cases documenting alienating strategies and signs of alienation in children, state admissibility standards, and statutes and cases regarding minors' counsel
Parental Alienation Science and Law, William Brenet and Demosthenes Lorandos
Parental Alienation Science and Law explains the research that creates the foundation for the assessment, identification, and intervention in cases of parental alienation (PA). For attorneys, judges, and family law professionals, this book explains in detail the scientific basis for testimony and legal decisions that relate to PA.
Understnding Parental Alienation, Karen and Nick Woodall
Understanding Parental Alienation is intended for parents living through the nightmare of losing their relationship with a child, which seems impossible to understand and extremely frustrating to turn around. This book, written by two leading experts in the field, provides a balance of theoretical background and practical hands-on information to guide both parents and practitioners through this devastating phenomenon.
Surviving Parental Alienation, Amy J.L. Baker
Surviving Parental Alienation provides parents who have been ostracized from their children with understanding and validation through personal accounts and expert analysis. Offering insight and advice, the authors guide the “targeted” parent through the issues and challenges and help them better manage their experiences.
Co-parenting with a Toxic Ex, Amy J.L. Baker
During and after a difficult divorce, it’s easy for your relationship with your kids to become strained—especially if you are dealing with a toxic ex who bad-mouths you in front of your children, accuses you of being a bad parent, and even attempts to “replace” you with a new partner in your children’s lives. Your children may become confused, conflicted, angry, anxious, or depressed—and you may feel powerless. But there is help.